Internal Marketing Software for Internal Communications Managers

You have a lot on your plate.

Recess is Your SECRET WEAPON to keep your team in the know.

Nobody said getting the word out was going to be easy.

That’s why we’ve built an internal marketing stack for you to start sending internal newsletters with your team today. The best part is that they’ll never have to log in or learn a new tool to read it.

In less than five minutes, you can put together a newsletter to send to your team that will keep everyone up to date with important announcements, internal newsletters  internal surveys, and even team engagement analytics like eNPS®.

And even better, you will know who is reading it!

Meaningful communication is TWO-WAY. Use the suite of internal marketing tools in Recess to communicate better with your team today!

Drag & Drop Newsletter Builder

Recess makes it easy for you to create newsletters and announcements for your company. Add in headlines, text, images, quotes, content and more…

One-Click Internal Survey Builder

When you need to know what’s on your team’s mind, use our survey tool. Get detailed, company specific questions answered…or just find out what they want for lunch 🙂 

Newsletter & Survey Templates

Writing newsletters and Surveys is HARD, which is why we’ve pre-loaded all Recess accounts with 17+ newsletter & survey templates to shake the writer’s block.

Onboarding Automations

Let Recess do the heavy lifting and engage with your company without you ever having to login again. You can automate newsletters, surveys, eNPS®, and Check-ins.

Automatic Team Engagement Tools

Every Recess account comes with the Check-in & eNPS® engagement widget so you can find out which employees are happiest, need some attention, or are just plain in the dark. 

Company Engagement Stats & Analytics

Recess’ proprietary Company Engagement Score will tell you how your company is doing based on engagement, morale, workload, and much more…

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