Together, Apart

This year, we’ve all had to learn a lot. Technology has allowed us to learn how to navigate the world of work together, even while we are apart.

While there is hope of things getting closer to normal just around the corner, I’ve got some news for you. Some aspects of the new world of work are going to stick. It’s not ever going back to exactly the way it was. Well, not completely anyway.


Hybrid and Remote companies now have access to the greatest talent in the world.

They can allow their employees to lead richer, fuller lives by eliminating the commute and doubling down on their experience.

But it takes work. We’ve talked before about the need for a dedicated role at companies that will own this employee experience.

These rare leaders are half people ops, half marketer, and half ombudsman.

I know… that’s three halves. That’s because no one person can do it alone. It takes a community to make a great place to work. Speaking of community…

There’s no better way to learn something than to dive right in with other people already doing it.

So let’s make a time for that. We’re going to be chatting with experts about elevating the importance of experience and internal marketing in the workplace this Wednesday in our first ever community office hours.

We’ll also preview something we have cooking up for January. Our new community show. Want a preview? Join us on Wednesday!

Want us to cover your topic in the community office hours or just don’t have time to register? Just holler at us on Twitter at @heyrecess or @chrishandyblog and we’ll cover your question.

😉 This was the Season One Finale of the Water Cooler. We”ll be back in 2021 with Season Two. Until next time!

– Chris Handy


P.S. In case you missed it last week… We built an Internal Marketing Starter Pack to help people launch their first Internal Marketing Campaigns with their companies. You can grab that pack right here .

Free Download:

Your Internal Marketing Starter Pack

Get the worksheet we actually use to get our team hyped and on the same page.

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