First Announcement Newsletter Template

Use this newsletter template to tell your company that you’re changing how you communicate and set a new team communication standard.

This template will be pre-loaded and ready to edit when you create your FREE Recess trial.

Recommended Send Frequency:
Once – it’s the first broadcast you should send!

Important change to how we communicate at [COMPANY NAME]

In response to all the general craziness going on right now we're making some changes to how we communicate as a company.

It’s important that each and every member of the [COMPANY NAME] team knows what’s happening in and what’s important to our company right now. It’s also important that we know how you’re doing, what matters most to you and how we can help you succeed in your role. 

Our current processes and tools aren’t checking those boxes, so it’s time to change. 

Everyone at [COMPANY NAME] loves slack, but let’s be honest, it's best for real time conversations, one-on-one interactions  and getting quick answers to questions. Any important information shared or distributed via slack tends to get lost in the shuffle. 

You might be thinking “Yeah, but what about our all hands meetings?”

Our All-Hands meetings are great, and we’re planning on continuing them, but they go by so quickly that it’s hard to remember exactly what was said, and nearly impossible to contemplate and respond to important topics. 

Plus, the information shared doesn’t have a permanent place to live so if you can’t attend live, give your full attention and take great notes… you’re still not fully “in the know.”

So, if we can’t relay on Slack and regular all hands meetings, what do we use?

Great question (and good news)... We just signed up for a new team communication tool called and I think it’s going to be an absolute game changer for how we communicate. 

Here are the two big changes we’re implementing leveraging Recess: 

  1. We're going to check in on you weekly

    Each week you’ll receive a simple three question survey to check-in on your workload, stress and overall mood. This checkin will also give you a forum and an opportunity to communicate back to anything that’s on your mind in a way that you know you're going to in a safe way where you know you're going to be heard.

  2. We're sending a [WEEKLY/MONTHLY] company wide "update"

    This update email will come directly from me and it will communicate three things.

    Number one, it's going to communicate what's most important right now, what should be the focus.

    Number two, how we're doing as a company towards the goals that we've stated.

    And number three, any general miscellaneous updates birthdays work anniversaries show Intel, things like that.

So here's what you need to do next.

In a few minutes check your inbox for an email from, from with the subject line: 

Your Weekly [Account Name] Check-in

When you open the email you’ll see the first question right there in the email.

 It will look just like this:

Screen Shot 2020-09-08 at 10.48.18 AM.png

Once you click your answer you’ll be prompted to answer the final two questions… it should literally take less than five minutes! 

You’ll get a check-in like this each and every week and I promise we’ll read any and all feedback you share. 

Next, keep an eye on your inbox on [INSERT DAY] for the very first company wide update. I'm working on it right now and can't wait to share it with you!


Sep 29

This template will be pre-loaded and ready to edit when you create your FREE Recess trial.