Company Newsletter Template

Trying to write anything is tough when you’re staring at blank page. You can get this template and more when you create a Recess account. Click here to check out this template.

Company newsletters are the most important part of any internal communication strategy and that’s why we created The Perfect Company Newsletter Template!

Why are internal newsletters so important? Well…

…when we acquire new customers, we don’t (or know we shouldn’t) stop marketing to them. Sure, we talk to them differently but we have to continue the meaningful conversations.

This goes for your employees too!

If you are just leaving your team leads and managers to communicate important information you’re missing some serious internal marketing opportunities. This is why EVERY company needs a company newsletter that they send out each and every week.

Not buying this? Well here are some numbers that prove internal communication is more important than ever.

Since the pandemic, the percentage of remote employees doubled from 31% to 62% AND 74% of companies are reporting they plan to permanently shift to remote work.

What does that mean?

It’s harder than ever to keep your team feeling connected, informed, and engaged. So it’s time to build a better communication strategy starting with better company newsletter.

We’re going to cover what makes a great company newsletter that your employees look forward to week after week.

Want to scroll through this template? Click here to take a closer look.

Company Newsletter Template Overview

Company Newsletter Template Overview
The company newsletter template PLUS many more are all pre-loaded into your account. Create your account today!

There are two main goals to every company newsletter, one is obvious and the other is a little less obvious.

Let’s start with the obvious one. The first and primary goal for a company newsletter is to keep your employees informed about what’s going on at the company.

The second, less obvious goal, is to create a better connection with your employees through meaningful and personal engagement.

Most companies focus on the first goal and just send a laundry list of “stuff” to their team but forget that people want to feel connected & engaged.

So how do you meet BOTH goals? You need to make the email feel special and get them to actually open the company newsletter.

Here’s how:

  1. Name your Company Newsletter. At The Scalable Company, their newsletter is called Inside Scalable.

    You name your newsletter because it makes it more than just another email and is a more tangible “thing” that stands out in the inbox.
  2. Make sure the email is sent from someone at the organization! Don’t send it from the company or as a ‘Do Not Reply’, you want to make sure the email feels personal and can spark conversation.
  3. Send the email weekly, on schedule, and in conjunction with other internal emails. If you’re sending the CEO Update Template to your employees, you’re going to want to shift up some of the email content to ensure it’s not too repetitive.
  4. Keep it simple! Company newsletters don’t need to be an overly designed artistic expression. Stick to images and text to make consumption as easy as possible.

    And don’t use any cartoons or stock images, this is your chance to build a sense of community. Use images of the team, screen shots from zoom calls, meeting deck images, etc…
  5. You need to pick a GREAT subject line. Internally marketing to your employees is as hard if not harder than marketing to your customers & prospects.

    A great email subject line that primes the open is a way to make sure your company newsletter isn’t lost in the morning email purge.

The Perfect Company Newsletter has five key sections:

  1. Welcome & “What’s Inside”
  2. How We’re Doing
  3. People & Culture Update
  4. Growth & Learning
  5. Sign Off & Feedback

We’ll dive deep into each section down below 🙂

Section 1: Welcome & “What’s Inside”

This is arguably the most important part of your company newsletter. What you say here is going to dictate whether someone actually reads the email and gets value from it.

Company Newsletter Template Welcome Section
Here’s the ‘Welcome section in Recess. The Company Newsletter PLUS many more are all pre-loaded into your account. Create your account today!

First let’s cover the basics of this section.

You should include your logo with a clear notification that this is “A private company newsletter for members of the [COMPANY NAME] team”.

This reminds your employees that this is email is explicitly FOR THEM versus a standard internal email riddled with bcc’s.

Next, you want to add in the newsletter name then a 16-20 word description of what they’re about to read. Think of this like an expansion of your subject line, it will meet their expectations and prime scrolling.

The last part of this section is the Introductory Section. When you’re selecting content for this section treat it like the only part of the email your employees will read.

Only include the biggest thing(s) that you want to get across?

Here are some things you could include:

  • New product/feature launches
  • company events
  • Upcoming holidays/days off
  • Major policy changes
  • Executive team hires
  • HR deadlines

If there aren’t any major updates you should use this to simply preview the rest of the newsletter.

Section 2: How We’re Doing

Everyone at the company wants to know the companies health and how it’s doing.

In this section you’re going to give updates on the main company goals, key initiatives, pillars, rocks, or whatever you call them…

Company Newsletter Template How We're Doing Section
Here’s the ‘How We’re Doing’ section in Recess. The Company Update Template PLUS many more are all pre-loaded into your account. Create your account today!

You just need to list out your goals, add in the status, and share some key context.

Goal Example:

One of your main goals is going from $20,000 in MRR to $40,000 in MRR by the end of Q4. Each week you’d share your current MRR, the percent change, and the remaining gap.

Let’s say in week 1 you’ve done nothing new and you’ve grown to $21k in MRR. Not a terribly big jump and without context your employees won’t know if that’s bad or good!

That’s why adding in “The Why” behind each metric is so important. 5% growth over a quarter won’t hit the goal, but if there were no changes in acquisition or churn and that 5% remained constant for the entire quarter, your gap is only really ~6k

Here’s how it would look in the email:

Goal #1: Go from 20k in MRR to 40k in MRR by the End of Q4
Status: Behind
– No increase in acquisition efforts
– Churn remained consistent
– 5% Growth WoW
– Gap ~$6k if everything remains constant
– Need to work on churn reduction or acquisition efforts (likely reflected in other key initiatives)

If you’re sending out a weekly CEO Update with this section, then you bet to change this section!

Instead of going really granular with the goals, you’ll want to use this section as a “show and tell” section to celebrate team and individual accomplishments.

This is a good way to keep the company informed about what’s going on and how the company is doing but frames it in a more positive ‘Shout Out’ type frame.

Section 3: People & Culture Update

This section is where you want to put in all the HR related goodness including:

  • New hire announcements
  • Promotions
  • Birthdays
  • Work anniversaries
Company Newsletter Template People & Culture Section
Here’s the ‘People & Culture’ section in Recess. The Company Newsletter Template PLUS many more are all pre-loaded into your account. Create your account today!

The People & Culture Update section gives you a great opportunity to celebrate the employees and a chance to add in some fun team engaging content like team pictures, event images, etc…

Section 4: Growth & Learning

Have you ever had ANY of the following thoughts:

  • I wish my employees read/listened to/watched that!
  • Nobody at the company reads our blog!!!
  • Do my employees know our market well enough?
Company Newsletter Template Growth & Learning Section
Here’s the ‘Growth & Learning’ section in Recess. The Company Newsletter Template PLUS many more are all pre-loaded into your account. Create your account today!

If so, this is where you can share all the articles, posts, or trainings you think they should be reading/watching/listening to.

The best part is Recess makes it easy to share content with its Google Chrome plugin, Pocket integration, & RSS feeds.

Section 5: Sign Off & Feedback

Earlier in this article, we said that it’s crucial for your Company Newsletter to come from someone. It’s important not just in name but for the email to come from this person too!

You want to make sure that the sender signs off. encourages conversations, and prompts feedback.

The sign off is just a line of text you need to add at the end:

Company Newsletter Template Sign Off Section
The Company Newsletter Template PLUS many more are all pre-loaded into your account. Create your account today!

You can set the From Email and From Name at the top of the email in Recess:

Recess also makes it really easy to add in different rating scales. The downside of a newsletter coming from someone is that ratings will skew more positive because it’s coming from an actual human.

Team Communication Feedback Section Preview
Here’s the ‘Feedback’ section in Recess. The Company Newsletter Template PLUS many more are all pre-loaded into your account. Create your account today!

Expect to see more positive ratings for this type of newsletter as opposed to other internal messages.

There it is, the perfect company newsletter template!

If you’re looking to improve your team communication with regular internal newsletters, you need a Recess account. Team communication is harder than ever in a world where we need it more than ever.

Go set up an account and start communicating today :).

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CEO Update Template

Trying to write anything is tough when you’re staring at blank page. You can get this template and more when you create a Recess account.

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